Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I woke up not feeling well on Monday, so I decided to stay home from work. I rested for a good bit of the day, but then decided to run a few errands with Harry. While we were out, I started having contractions, so we called Dr. Peeden and headed to her office. They hooked me up to the NST monitor. Claire starts kicking like crazy when she hears her heartbeat on the monitor. I had a few contractions while on the monitor, but nothing as strong as I had before. Dr. Peeden did check my cervix and said it felt the same besides that she could feel more pressure from Claire. We talked about medicine for contractions, but because of recent research we are trying to hold off.
I have been taking it easy since then and have still had a few contractions; however, it seems that as long as I am lying down they aren't as bad. I will be 32 weeks on Saturday and am hoping this little girl will wait about 4 more weeks!
Please keep praying for us!

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