Monday, October 4, 2010


Celebrating 2 years of marriage
23 weeks pregnant (September 2)
Where have I been??
  • We moved into our new house in the middle of August. I love it! We are still unpacking a month and a 1/2 later, but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • At the end of August, Harry and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary in Vegas. Las Vegas is definitely not the ideal vacaction spot for a pregnant lady, but my work sent me for a conference. We had a great time and most of my time was spent relaxing in the Westin's "heavenly bed".
  • Also at the end of August, Claire started Preschool at our church. She is going Monday through Friday from 9:30 to 2:30. She absolutely loves it and is learning SO much.
  • Our weekends in September were spent tailgating with our friends and watching UT football. Go Vols!! (we need all the support we can get)

That sums up where we have been. I am now almost 28 weeks and Baby Harrison is doing great. He is a busy little guy who loves to kick. Claire has a new found love for babies. She has about 8 babies and takes atleast 1 baby with her everywhere. I sure do hope this is preparing her for her little brother!

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