Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mother's Day and a Big Announcement

I had a wonderful first Mother's Day. To start off the celebration we grilled out steaks on Saturday. It started raining and I was disappointed that we wouldn't get to eat our yummy steaks, but the rain stopped just long enough for Harry and Jason to grill. Our dinner was delicious!! My friend Lindsey came over and we all had a great night just hanging out at home.
On Sunday Harry, Claire, and I had a very relaxing day. It truely was a great day!
I have been thinking a lot lately about the troubles I had while pregnant with Claire. I feel so blessed that our little miracle baby made it. Every second I get to spend with her fills my heart with so much joy. Claire babbles, blows bubbles, rolls over, smiles, and laughs so much. I am so proud of my little girl.
Now on to the BIG announcement.....if you haven't heard, we are moving back home on May 30th. Harry picked up our leasing papers today for a house in Cordova. I am so excited that Claire will get to grow up around all of our family. (of course we are thrilled that we will be closer to our family too)But I will really miss all my friends in Knoxville and as crazy as this sounds, I will miss my work. Speaking of jobs, Harry is working for Northwestern in Memphis now and I am on the job hunt.

Lastly, Claire had her 4 month check up last Friday. Dr. Linn gave us the okay to start baby food. We are taking it slow, but Claire has started or I should say attempting to eat rice cereal. Here are her stats from the appointment:
Weight: 14 lbs 7.5 oz
Height: 24 inches
Head Circumference: 41.7cm

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