Thursday, January 29, 2009

Our New Friend

Coming home to Knoxville has been a huge adjustment for our little family. I know Claire misses her West TN family, but she has been crying a whole lot more this week. Harry called the pediatrician this morning and we went in to see him. For some reason, I am not producing enough milk to keep up with little Claire's appetite. The can of Enfamil above is our new friend. Tonight Claire nursed and when she was finished nursing, we "topped her off" (as the pediatrician put it) with formula. She ate about an ounce and has slept ever since. Harry and I were finally able to go out to eat. We also ran errands. We are all very happy!
The pediatrician did recommend an herbal supplement that will hopefully allow me to start producing more milk. Please pray that it will do the trick. I love the time I get to spend nursing Claire and hope to soon be able to give her all that she needs.

Today's Stats from the Pediatrician
Weight: 7 lbs 6.5 oz (getting close to her birth weight)
Length: 20.5 inches (she isn't shrinking...the hospital measures length with the toe pointed and the pediatrician measures length with the foot flat)
Head: 35.7 cm

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